It seems natural that after 3 years of helping chapters brainstorm ideas for fundraisers as NVPCM, I have now moved into a role of putting some of those ideas into action as chair of the fundraising committee for the Alumni Association. One of the first things I did? Throw a party.
Andrew and I happened to be in the happy circumstance of getting ready to move, so we used it as an opportunity to "clean out" the alcohol and munchies that had sat unused on our shelves, rather than moving them to a new apartment to collect even more dust. We donated what food and mixers we would typically buy for any other party we throw, and let our guests do the rest. We had a cash jug at the door, and our computer was set up to make donations online, Rock Band was blasting in the background, Brothers had travelled from all over, and all the guests were having a great time. They were also donating over $300 to Mu Beta Psi.
The crux of this party for us was that we invited all of our friends and not just Brothers. I know we are all in the mindset of asking our Brothers for money, especially (and rightfully so) our alumni. What we frequently lose sight of is that there are a lot of people in our lives that can get behind Mu Beta Psi's mission, or at support us in our passion for it, who never need to become Brothers. One of our friends alone donated $100 because he knew how much Mu Beta Psi means to me and Andrew. Others who couldn't even go to the party came to us with checks or cash before or afterwards to show their support. It all adds up.
So even though you may be scattered from your Chapters this summer, consider holding a barbecue, picnic, hiking trip, scavenger hunt, or just plain-old-party and setting a fundraising goal for you and your friends to raise for Mu Beta Psi. It will give your Brothers an excuse to travel to visit you, and your chapter will be in better shape come September than it is now.
Food (and drink) for thought!