Monday, March 12, 2007


Welcome to the blog of the National Secretary (NS) of Mu Beta Psi. First, thanks for selecting me to be your next NS! You will be hearing a lot from me in the next few years.

Second, please add the national deadlines calendar to your Google calendar by clicking on the button to the right. Alternatively, please check the calendar below to keep the national deadlines straight. I will be simultaneously using the calendar on the Intranet and the Google calendar below to announce deadlines.

You can receive the RSS feed of this blog by clicking on the little orange icon in the upper part of the website address. If you need more info on how RSS can seriously improve the quality of your internet experience, let me know, I love this stuff--I'd be happy to explain it for you.

Let me know if you have any feedback on this site.

- Julie

1 comment:

Ryan Hauck said...

Just FYI, I created an LJ feed of this blog...mbpsi_ns_blog.
