Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Chapter-Specific Intranet Content

With the launch of the new Alumni Association website, a new capability becomes available to Chapters -- customized intranet content specific to your Chapter. To see how it works, click on the Members link on the Alumni homepage and then click Login. If you're logged in to the intranet, it will take you to a page which includes both static information and a subset of the Knowledgebase specific to the Alumni Association. If you're not logged in, you'll be prompted to do so.

While this is a minor example, it is representative of the types of content that can now be done. Chapter-specific Knowledgebase folders, Brothers Galleries, even Who's Online or specific message board forums could be compiled to form a "mini Intranet" that's specific to a Chapter. I'm also open to other ideas to help Chapters customize content.

If your Chapter is interested in doing something similar, let me know. The user validation tools are quite easy to implement, and you can be up-and-running quickly, depending on what level of restriction you're looking for (the fastest to set up is the Alumni model, which does not restrict viewing ONLY to active alumni).

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