Saturday, October 11, 2008

NEC Meeting Minutes


You may not realize this, but every time I compile meeting minutes from the transcripts of our online meetings, it takes me about 2 solid hours. Even though I have word-for-word transcripts of everything that was said and everyone who came and left during the course of the meeting... still, 2 hours.

Another thing you may not realize is that reading the minutes of the National Executive Committee (NEC) is actually very interesting an informative. Here's why: Every National Officer and every Chapter submits a report, and I compile these in the minutes of our meeting. What better way to stay informed than to read what your NOs and chapter MALs have written about? We often have vigorous debates during NEC, and I try to capture the essence of these debates in what I put into the meeting minutes.

Our latest meeting was at the end of August. You can read the minutes here: (need to login to the intranet first)

Our next NEC meeting is on Tuesday, October 21st at 8pm in the chatroom.

The next meeting of the Board of Trustees is coming up in a few days: Tuesday, October 14th at 8pm EST in the chatroom.

Anyone may attend these meetings, as lurkers or as participants. We encourage you to join us.

Don't forget about deadlines that are coming up in 4 days. I just sent an email to the National Listerv, the MAL listerv, and the BOT listserv with details. You can also contact me directly at secretary at mubetapsi dot org.

That's all for now..... Enjoy your weekend!

National Secretary


Kevin Britton said...

I wonder if it would make things faster to have some type of report submission tool that bounces things to the appropriate list and then compiles them into a single place.

Then again, it might take longer to write it than we'd save...

In any event, all that effort on your part is appreciated on ours!

Kevin Britton said...

It's also worth mentioning that the level of detail you describe makes for a better historical document. I can't count the number of old minutes I've read (at the Chapter or National level) where I couldn't understand what was actually taking place. Context is important.

If you're a Chapter Secretary, you'd do well to read Julie's minutes. There's a great lesson in there about how to write effective minutes!