Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Chapter Maintenance Reference Library

The Chapter Maintenance Reference Library has expanded again! I've replaced the lost books and bought a few more for us to
use as an organization. All Chapters may request photocopied sections of these books for their use, or may request that I bring
them anytime I visit. Here's a list of the books in the library:

"The Everything Fundraising Book" by Rich Mintzer

"The Everything Project Management Book" by Rich Mintzer

"Publicity for nonprofits" by Sandra L. Beckwith

"The Big Book of Team Building Games" by John Newstrom and Edward Scannell

"Quick Team-Building Activities for Busy Managers: 50 exercises that get results in 15 minutes" by Brian Cole Miller

"Dealing with People You Can't Stand: How to bring out the best in people at their worst" by Dr. Rick Brinkman and Dr. Rick Kirschner

"Strategic Planning for Nonprofit Organizations" by Michael Allison and Jude Kaye

I also have quite a few articles and other materials that have been clipped or sent in to me. Donations are always welcome. I hope every Chapter can find some of this information useful!

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