Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Post-Convention Wave

Hi Brothers,

Like Kevin, I have been enjoying a surge of questions and contact from Brothers at many different Chapters. Unfortunately, that cold I was trying to keep at bay during Convention with all the orange juice only got worse when I got home, and so my email response time has been slightly slower than usual. I'm happy to report that I'm feeling much better now--just in time for the majority of Spring Breaks to be over!

A lot of Chapters are inquiring about the potential for hosting a colony. My advice to all of you is to make sure that you can take on this responsibility without weakening the strength of your Chapter. Now is a great time to be doing extra recruitment, fundraising, and Brotherhood building to shore yourselves up for a potentially exciting year next year. (Spring is a good time to be doing all those activities anyway!).

On a side note, I left my cell phone charger in North Carolina, so until I receive it in the mail, email will be the best way to contact me. I look forward to hearing from you!


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